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Archive List of Card & Board Games

Viewing 351 - 355 of 369 Games.

Tic-A-Tac Royale

Prepare to set sail aboard the S.S. Tic-A-Tac Royale as you strike out for a new home and a new life. Can you change your future and build your fortune, playing Tic-A-Tac( TM ) with your shipmates, before you reach your destination? The games in Tic-A-Tac( TM ) Royale combine Tic-Tac-Toe with casino games to create hours of card playing fun. Play well enough and you can transform yourself from a mere pauper to a millionaire!


Based on the classic TV game show, Concentration( TM ) is two games in one: matching and puzzling. Match the scrambled prizes behind the numbered panels to win. Each combination turns over two panels to reveal a portion of the hidden rebus (picture puzzle). After each match, you earn a chance at solving the puzzle underneath. But watch out! Your opponent is trying to solve it, too. If you guess correctly, you could move on to the bonus round where you have a chance to win a new car!

Big Fish Games Texas Hold'Em

Big Fish Games Texas Hold'em is the most realistic poker around. Whether you're a beginner or a pro, you can enjoy the thrill of the perfect hand, or the perfect bluff. Test your skills in Cash Games and Tournaments, or fine-tune your skills playing the Scenario you always wanted to be in. You can even customize the games to find your perfect fit. The comprehensive Help provides details on each aspect of the game. Big Fish Games Texas Hold'em has it all. Play today - it's the closest thing to actually being there!

Card Tricks

Use your quick hands and puzzle reflexes to conquer the world of card magic in this unique mahjong card game. Card Tricks is an ingenious mahjong interpretation that uses cards instead of tiles to provide the same kind of captivating game play in a brand new shape. Start your career of illusionist apprentice and work your way up to a world famous card magician. Will you be able to step up and pass the difficult challenges that lie ahead in the magical world of Card Tricks?

American History Lux

Learn your American history. Start with the colonization of North America and the rise of the United States. Follow the World Wars and U.S. overseas campaigns. Every war comes as a realistic map outlining the important cities and geography of the time. Background information and links to historical information complete your interactive learning experience.